Friday, January 15, 2010

California Living Will Will Anyone Join Me In A Prayer For Those In California Experiencing A Living Hell?

Will anyone join me in a prayer for those in California experiencing a living hell? - california living will

Who knows how many people will be today or tomorrow at the black, charred ruins everything in your flat? Please send a prayer for them, psychologically. I believe in prayer and its results. Many mines have been answered. Please pray for them. A big thank you for thinking of your loss May, you and God bless you all and protect them.


mandm68 said...

Yes, probably a prayer. Father, who is putting his hand on California at this time need. Transmission of wisdom in his heart "for what thou art God, that can make a difference in their lives. In response to the need eachone, mentally, physically and financially, father." Let Your Love each cover with an understanding and knowledge about all that we have. Let's grow light on them, it shines through the dark ages and into the Place not yet touched by his light. a share point for everyone involved. I ask this through Christ the Lord. Amen

mark1011... said...

PREHAPS ... they need to seek God ... and ... BACK .... From his evil ... Way!

(Luke 13:1-to-5) and some were at the same time before, the report of the Galilee, Pilate had mingled with the blood of their victims.

(Luke 13:2) Jesus answered and said: Do you think that only these Galileans sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered such things?

(Luke 13:3) I say: No, but if ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

(Luke 13:4) Or those killed eighteen on whom the tower of Siloam, and believe they were guilty, as all men live in Jerusalem?

(Luke 13:5) I say: No, but if ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Thank you for asking! RR

mark1011... said...

PREHAPS ... they need to seek God ... and ... BACK .... From his evil ... Way!

(Luke 13:1-to-5) and some were at the same time before, the report of the Galilee, Pilate had mingled with the blood of their victims.

(Luke 13:2) Jesus answered and said: Do you think that only these Galileans sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered such things?

(Luke 13:3) I say: No, but if ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

(Luke 13:4) Or those killed eighteen on whom the tower of Siloam, and believe they were guilty, as all men live in Jerusalem?

(Luke 13:5) I say: No, but if ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Thank you for asking! RR

skydance... said...

Me, and this is written out by an Indian shaman:
"There will be times when you fell like giving up, not knowing what to do ... Making these moments for me"
He describes the nature and the audience.
It seems more catastrophes in the explosion of a very hurt with the country, angry, damaged
these days now.
But Native Americans loved and revered the earth: the suppliers. We are, after thinking for granted, and they have been very indifferent to steal it, the gifts they released. And now the earth has become so vulnerable that the force has lost protect himself, but himself, because of us!
I hope that prayer works. And it seems quite as protecting your kind thoughts about the nature and bravely asked others to cure and, therefore, have disconnected from nature in our arrogance, we almost defeated, leaving our own mother's primary. Greece.

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