Sunday, January 24, 2010

Marriage Prenup Do You Think Edge And Vickie Signed A Prenup Prior To Their Marriage?

Do you think Edge and Vickie signed a prenup prior to their marriage? - marriage prenup

Also state what it in the marriage?


The Real Jericho said...

In fact, they were not married. But if he conchairtoed Edge Vickie, if they spend half their money.

Rock N' Wrestling Connection said...

Well, it's a story, like all marriages in the fight (with the exception of Stephanie and HHH)

The Real Fizzllama™ said...

They were never married.

The Real Fizzllama™ said...

They were never married.

__A_YAHO... said...

i think its fake.and were as extreme costity not california.and that everyone has his money

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